Re: BC Hydro's business is our business now, Aug. 25-31
Mr. Kieran’s analysis is not based upon facts, but instead appears to be based upon some kind of odd perception of reality. To claim that all the people opposed to IPPs are somehow joined together with the labour movement is truly delusional. To ignore the connections between the elites in the Liberal regime, who are about to go the way of the dodo bird, and corporate elites is a remarkable feat of mental calisthenics, to ignore the complete rip-off of public funds involved, to ignore the removal of the BC Utilities commission from oversight of this program and consequentially suppressing a fair and, dare I say it, democratic process, to ignore the questionable business practices of Accenture, the inventors of Enron, to ignore the nepotism between ex-Hydro administrators and the Liberal elites, and so on is just too much for me to imagine. Either Mr. Kieran is suffering from some special type of amnesia where he forgets all the facts that do not support his wacked out opinions or he is just plain out of his mind.
Walt McGinnis, Victoria