Black Press Media is an award-winning Canadian print & digital company that connects with local readers and your clients in a way no other medium can. Black Press is the trusted news source people turn to in their community and when breaking news happens. Our publications and websites provide an essential hub for every community we serve.

We're here to help
Our multimedia consultants will assist in putting together a print and online campaign to target your customers with a strong unique sales message. We provide marketing expertise, research and stats about your community to assist you in spending your advertising dollars wisely – including studies such as Pulse Research measuring intended purchase habits of your customers.

Extended Reach
Does your business need to reach more people? We can extend your reach across households in B.C. and Alberta. Our family of news websites provides a high quality audience across more than 90 communities.
Our advantage at Black Press offers advertisers the ability to buy print and digital marketing opportunities. This powerful combination maximizes both reach and frequency and therefore drives more quality traffic to your business.
Black Press (Canada) provides the convenience of a single bill, a single call and delivery to more than 1,000,000 unique visitors online every month.
To suit your needs
Display advertising is available in a range of sizes to suit your campaign needs. Your message can be booked across your choice of platforms and we have the ability to target potential customers by city, demographic, household income, gender and even behavioural traits online. So from a broad brand awareness campaign to pinpoint targeting, Black Press Media has the solution for your business.
Contacts for
Let us know how we can help you build your business today!

Black Press is home to some of the oldest, most established newspapers in B.C. and Alberta. From rural voices in Chilliwack and Quesnel, to urban voices in Greater Vancouver, Victoria and Red Deer, market by market these are the leading newspapers in their respective communities.
In the United States, Black Press operates Sound Publishing with 49 titles in Washington’s Puget Sound region; in Hawaii with Oahu Publications; and in Akron with The Beacon Journal and
In print and online, our urban, suburban and rural newspapers provide clients a superior blend of localized news coverage and unmatched integrated marketing solutions. We invest in journalism that affects the communities we serve. We strive to meet the marketing needs of our clients with a strategic blend of print, online and mobile marketing solutions.
Founded in 1975, Black Press now publishes more than 170 titles in British Columbia, Alberta and Washington state, as well as the Honolulu (Hawaii) Star-Advertiser, Akron (Ohio) Beacon-Journal and San Francisco (Calif.) Examiner daily newspapers.
The company is administered and majority owned by David H. Black of Victoria, B.C.