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Shake it up at Pluto’s

“Adult” milkshakes take things to a whole new level

Pluto’s Restaurant has always been recognized as one of the iconic diner-style establishments in Victoria’s universe, featuring the best comfort food you’ve had since last sitting down to your mom’s Sunday dinner special.

A favourite spot for all ages, everyone knows that Pluto’s makes the very best milkshakes in town. Period. End of argument.

But then we heard all about Pluto’s “boozy shakes for grown ups” and we made a beeline to the heart of Quadra to test the rumours.


By putting the good stuff in the milky ice cream treat, Pluto’s has taken things to a whole new level. Imagine: 20 ounces of your favourite flavoured shake mixed up with up to three (yes, three!) ounces of liquor.

Chocolate, strawberry and vanilla all live here—but c’mon, live a little! Brun Dahlquist, who just happens to be the owner of Pluto’s Diner, was our bar manager and he and the team have created some unique and original drinks, featuring an ounce of booze. But, as an aside, he revealed that patrons may add an extra ounce of their favourite liquor for just $3 a shot. The Monday Magazine taste testers agreed that this was well worth the investment.

So what did we try? The maple, bacon and bourbon shake, the Pluto’s exclusive shaft shake and a spicy pepper and tequila Shake.


The maple shake is a great choice for this time of year with the maple syrup and bourbon creating subtle flavours and blending through the vanilla ice cream.

You probably already know that shaft-style drinks are popular all over town. But Pluto’s version is out of this world. Try three shots of cold-brewed coffee with Bailey’s, Kahlua and vodka blended into vanilla ice cream and topped off with whipped cream and coffee beans. Wow!

For the brave and curious, try a jalapeño and tequila shake. Sounds scary, but it was great and it surprised us with its defiant appeal. At first, there’s a bite, which mildly lingers, but it soon blends into the cool of the vanilla ice cream. Oh yes, the tequila makes for a spicy fusion and extra heat.

So, let’s hear from Brun, who seems to have mastered the universe of bar offerings!

Claim to fame? The original Pluto’s milkshake….and then creating the “adult” milkshake!

What’s hot right now? Our newest “shaft” shake (coffee ,vodka, Baileys, Kahlua), plus our maple, bacon and bourbon shake.

What are the traits of a good bartender? Patience, attention to detail and creativity. Enjoying the public, and learning about what they like to drink really helps, as well.

What is your signature drink? The “shaft” shake, and also, for the brave and daring, the jalapeño and tequila shake.

What are you drinking these days? Beer mostly (from local breweries, of course); a good Caesar with brunch is very important; and a well-paired wine with dinner.

What’s your best memory from behind the bar? Watching a planned wedding proposal happen in the restaurant. Everyone in Pluto’s stopped to watch. It was really something when he took out the ring!

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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