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Letter - We can stop this idiocy

Brian Kieran's opinion "Carbon boondoggle robs poor to fuel rich" is fabulous.

We can stop this idiocy

Brian Kieran's opinion "Carbon boondoggle robs poor to fuel rich" is fabulous. I especially like his summarizing statement: "In fact, our carbon neutral status is nothing more than a tax-shifting scam that dispenses corporate welfare to less-than-needy business barons." Then he proceeded to back that up with statistics that make sense, many of them from the Canadian Tax Federation. Schools, hospitals and social services should not be forced to pay corporations for changes that they should be doing anyway and can afford to pay for themselves. This travesty, combined with the B.C. Liberal definition of natural gas as "clean" energy as part of their carbon-neutral calculations, promotes the realization that the B.C. government is interested only in bolstering corporate power with costs borne by the public. Shame on them, and on anyone who is foolish enough to vote for them in the upcoming provincial election. We CAN stop this idiocy!

Connie Foss More,Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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