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Letter - Trapped in James Bay

Many years ago the TC10K route completely circled James Bay, causing inconvenience to James Bay residents and hotel guests, who were unable to leave the area on the Sunday morning of the race.

Trapped in James Bay

Many years ago the TC10K route completely circled James Bay, causing inconvenience to James Bay residents and hotel guests, who were unable to leave the area on the Sunday morning of the race. After meetings with the neighbourhood association and City Hall, a new route was developed that provided an “escape route.” This worked very well, and City Hall took on the role of notifying the community whenever there were planned road closures of this nature.

Now we have a circle route that encloses a much larger area [but organizers now suggest] that if we want to get out, we should park our cars outside the route and don’t even think about leaving the area till after noon. There was no communication with the neighbourhood association or the community newspaper, and I did not get a letter. I hope the route changes, as I do not enjoy being held hostage for the morning.

Pieta VanDyke,


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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