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Letter - To honour our war dead

Thanks to Monday Magazine for bringing to public attention the opportunity we have to honour our war dead at Victoria High School, forever.

To honour our war dead

Thanks to Monday Magazine for bringing to public attention the opportunity we have to honour our war dead at Victoria High School, forever.  We must give real meaning to our annual Remembrance Day pledge "Lest we forget."  Memorial trees have a higher standard for longevity — beyond 200 years — than park or street trees. Second, we must see every side of an issue, and through mutual respect work together to achieve a common goal. Seeking and sharing reliable information will release the power and potential of the possibilities in every situation.  Third, by keeping our eyes on our shared outcomes, everyone can gain in some way — but we must give to get. On Shelbourne Street (once known as Memorial Avenue) immediately post First World War,  long and short lived trees were planted close together, and as time passed and the trees grew, the long lived London Plane Memorial Trees prevailed. Today we have a magnificent boulevard that will honour our war dead, for a long time, at lower risk and lower cost than if only short lived, vulnerable trees were chosen. If we do our part at Victoria High, the trees will do theirs.

Ray Travers,Victoria


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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