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Letter - Struggle can destroy soul

Re: Transitions, Jan. 12-18

Struggle can destroy soul

Re: Transitions, Jan. 12-18

Thank you for the beautiful article from Cadence Cohen. I am a few years older than Cadence and watched her grew up. I went to school with her sisters, and like Cadence I struggled every day with being a trans youth and kept my feelings hidden. These feelings are hidden to this day and I struggle each and every day. I hide my feelings so I don't hurt and disappoint my family by doing this. However, I destroy my soul and completely deny who I am. By denying who I am I deny others the right to know the person I am. Many of my hopes and dreams will never be fulfilled as long as I deny the woman I am. Thank You Cadence for bringing your story to the pages of Monday Magazine. You are a hero to me.

Lisa G., Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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