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Letter - Rehabilitation is the key

Re: Beyond Bars, Feb. 23 - 29

Rehabilitation is the key

Re: Beyond Bars, Feb. 23 - 29

I work at a half-way house for parolees and fully concur with Megan Mills' article about rehabilitation and reintegration. It is essential to the parolees re-entry into the community that there be halfway places and programmes that they can use to transition from "con life" to "real life."

This article is also quite timely given that the Conservatives omnibus crime bill is presently being discusses in the Senate and, if passed, will see much of the philosophy of Corrections Services Canada switch from rehabilitation to punitive. The Canadian government has actually come under fire from Texas, who's state government has long since abandoned the tough on crime approach in favour of more integrated treatment programs that focus more on the healing of the criminal than the costly punishment.

Matthew Cook,Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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