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Letter: Kind words from a fellow caricature artist

Re: “Kicked Out of Inner Harbour,” March 10-16

Re: “Kicked Out of Inner Harbour,” March 10-16

I’ve known Dean for about 17 years, and as someone who has been caricaturing on and off for 40-plus years myself, I can state that he is one of the very best! Not just in Victoria, but of the hundreds of others’ whose work I’ve seen — my own included. I admire his talent and envy him for it. If anyone should be representing Victoria to our visitors, it is Dean. To hear that he will be booted off the causeway — for daring to express his opinion — is disappointing.

To hear that he cannot have what seems like a fair and reasonable opportunity to hear and defend himself against the so-called complaints about him is disgusting.

As his livelihood of 17 years is at serious risk, I think he deserves the opportunity.

It seems like the cliches, “Don’t make waves” and “Don’t rock the boat” were invented to describe the Harbour Authority’s bureaucratic attitude.

Nelson Dewey, Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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