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Letter - Humans not the worst

Re: letter, “More reason to eat local,” May 26-June 1

Humans not the worst

Re: letter, “More reason to eat local,” May 26-June 1

In commenting on the dumb notion of using sewage as fertilizer, April Reeves unfortunately illustrates the ideology of environmentalists on other issues. She says “Humans are the most toxic substance still walking on the planet!”, ignoring a variety of wild animals. Of course in saying “walking” she excludes billions of swimming creatures who defecate in water, crawling creatures like poisonous snakes, and the many toxic plants. Why would someone say such a silly thing? Reeves’ approach to the fertilizer issue will only serve to discredit those raising questions about the actual issue of using sewage as fertilizer.

Keith Sketchley,Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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