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Letter - Harper loves gay unions

Who knew? Harper closed the parliamentary debate on gay marriage so that his government could preserve the unions of gays

Harper loves gay unions

Who knew? Harper closed the parliamentary debate on gay marriage so that his government could preserve the unions of gays seeking a Canadian divorce. Gay couples who wed in Canada and returned recently to seek a divorce were advised that there was a one year residence required by such couples to apply for a Canadian divorce. While gays may be wed in Canada from jurisdictions not permitting gay unions, the same couples seeking to be parted in Canada from such places must first reside in Canada for a year to apply for a Canadian divorce. This must be a Harper government's initiative to promote a time for couples to heal from their out-of-Canada-sparked spat; a time to cool off and reconcile the connubial bliss. Conservatives very much believe in the holiness of matrimony. To them it is more than just ideology, it is religion, so the rumours go. This Harper government development is also anticipated to stimulate the economy from the tourist trade of foreign gays bent on correcting an earlier error in mutual passion. Unfortunately Canadian couples will not benefit from a year of reconciliation opportunity as do foreign couples, and so may quickly get partnered again, as is the current custom of most heterosexual short unions that go on to repeat the same mistake with other partners.

Dee Shoolingin,Victoria