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Letter - Gallery closure is a significant loss

As a very loyal reader of Monday Magazine for the last 30 years, I was extremely disappointed with the coverage given the closure of the Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria gallery.

As a very loyal reader of Monday Magazine for the last 30 years, I was extremely disappointed with the coverage given the closure of the Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria gallery. While the dispute of one inner harbour artist with the GVHA made both front cover and generated several lengthy articles, and while this reader agrees the coverage was meaningful, the impact of the closure of the CACGV gallery will be hundreds of times more significant for artists and artist guilds which are trying to cope with ever shrinking venue space in Victoria. The closure of this gallery due to lack of funding is indicative of what’s wrong in federal, provincial and municipal politics. While sponsorship for "flash in the pan" mega-events and often poorly considered mega-projects abound, small but meaningful organizations — run mostly by volunteer sweat and toil — get ignored. What could be more timely than a discussion of arts funding during the next several months of elections we will be facing at all government levels?

Arthur Entlich,


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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