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Letter - Film pirates kill local biz

I work at Hollywood Tonight Entertainment on Yates Street. We are a video store and we are going out of business.

Film pirates kill local biz

I work at Hollywood Tonight Entertainment on Yates Street. We are a video store and we are going out of business because of piracy, which is illegal and theft. It is no different than stealing a physical item off the shelf at a store. You are taking something that other people worked hard to make, that doesn't belong to you, without paying. What bothers me is how everyone is so nonchalant about how many people’s livelihoods are being destroyed.

I find it offensive that everybody thinks it is okay that this is happening on a mass scale and nobody cares. I know that there have been quite a few stories on the news about video stores shutting down, mostly Blockbuster, but it just sounds this big impersonal corporate thing. Why isn't anyone acknowledging the people it is affecting, because there is a lot of them. It's not just nameless, faceless corporations, it's mostly small, local, community-based stores and it not only affects the employees of the stores but the community as a whole. I just think that people shouldn't be so okay with destroying something that affects so many.

P.S. I thought I should mention, because a lot of people bring it up, Netflix is just competition like any other video store. It did not put us out of business.

Crystal Neve,Hollywood Tonight Entertainment

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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