Fairness, respect for everyone
Re: Guest Editorial, Idle No More reignites pride, Jan. 10-16
Regarding Janet Roger's guest editorial about the Idle No More movement, in which she says, "I can hear the faint sighs of relief by the settler people, 'Finally, something meaningful by which we can define ourselves other than beer and hockey'." How very insulting and racist. My life never has and never will be defined by beer and hockey. To state that there is finally 'something meaningful' in peoples' lives if they support the Idle No More movement is degrading and dismissive. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians advocate for the environment, disease research, homelessness, the end to sexualized violence and child abuse and hundreds of other important issues. All of those people have led meaningful lives. It is a dangerous thing to judge the intention, actions and beliefs of all non-First Nations with an indiscriminate brush stroke. Many of us are visible or invisible minorities who find meaning in living and advocating for fairness and respect for all people not just those with whom we identify.
Karen Kendrick,Victoria