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Letter - Enlightenment is a challenge to all of us

Re: Mail - Beyond Belief, March 21-27

Enlightenment is a challenge to all of us

Re: Mail - Beyond Belief, March 21-27

I concur with the writer who praises the editorial about the last Catholic Pope — and I'd add the editorial on violence against women. But I differ from the writer's pessimist view.

Even just 80 years ago, if a child complained to his father about a priest, he'd be slammed against the wall and told that if he ever talked that way about a holy man again he would burn in hell, while hurried mothers rushed their daughters to the discreet coat hanger practitioner.

Granted, they would all turn up with sanctified faces come Sunday morning, implying all was well with the world. Well, today, thanks to the media and science, we know all is not well with the world. We can see the flaws in our society and thus can do something about it.

One might say that the editor's comment about a new enlightenment is a challenge to all of us to wrest control of our lives from the power-hungry authorities of whatever hue. It is up to us.

Andy Mulcahy,Victoria