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Letter - Biosolids site not right

I'm writing in response to the CRD's position on the biosolids site proposed for Viewfield.

Biosolids site not right

I'm writing in response to the CRD's position on the biosolids site proposed for Viewfield.

It is rather telling that the CRD considers "respect for the community character" as one of the three categories for assessing sludge treatment sites. This speaks to the ignorance of the character of my beautiful neighbourhood of Vic West on the part of those CRD board members who secretly voted for and purchased this site. I would like to invite the CRD (and citizens of the greater Victoria area at large) to come tour our neighbourhood and see the community that is being impacted by this remote decision making process. I believe this is owed to us before pushing through a ridiculous and wholly inappropriate project that will devastate this gem of a community.

Drive along Craigflower Road and then turn down one of the quiet side streets like Raynor, Belton, or Pine.  Take a walk or bike ride along the waterway from Dockside Green, past the Selkirk Trestle and onto Banfield Park — last year home to the very first Gorge swim-fest. Stop by the artists' cafe and French bakery across the street.  See some of the beautiful historic homes in the vicinity of Edward and Mary Street. Come see the best dog walking park and one of the most beautiful spots in the region: Macaulay Point.   Look at what you risk devastating and relegating to the slums before making these decisions that impact us, and potentially you, by removing beautiful, central, residential real estate from the pool of extremely scarce and expensive land.

I implore the rest of Victoria and city council to please recognize that the proposed Viewfield site is in the middle of a very residential area and to show the common decency to recognize that this is inappropriate.  I would do the same for you.

Walter Ashe,Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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