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Letter - Beyond belief

Re: Editor's Note, March 14 - 20

Beyond belief

Re: Editor's Note, March 14 - 20

That was a brave, new editorial on the pope and Catholic church. The prophecies of St. Malachy and those like Nostrodamus have always fascinated me.

Confounded by the desire of one-true faithers to continue their indoctrination of new generations into their perpetual creation of "God" to fit their own image, I keep wondering how long such bullshit can possibly endure.

One of my favourite revelations is Neil Armstrong's insight at the 25th anniversary of the moon landing: "There are places to go beyond belief."

Spirtuality, to me, is a disciplined journey of each mind, heart and soul.

I had occasion to visit the Vatican in 2004 and was struck by the sheer opulant vastness of the place and left asking, "What the hell does all this obscene wealth have to do with Jesus Christ?" The unspoken answer, of course, is ... nothing.

I recall a passage in the Bible (paraphrasing here) that makes reference to the defiling of children... that it were better that the perpetrators... would have a millstone tied around their necks and be thrown into the sea.

The sins of the Catholic church in pedophilia are documented, but I fear it is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The coverup is also clear.

I do share your attitude toward organized religion and its dry cleaning of minds and souls (I was a recovering Catholic for years).

As far as any pending apocalypse is concerned, one wonders just how long the finger can be stayed from the nuclear button when you look around to see how corruption and nations’ collective descent into barbarism has been so easy.

Your final point about what every great religious leader has preached...Be kind to one another...has been completely buried in a religious, economic and political graveyard. We've been deep down the rabbit hole of lies since 9/11, and there is no sign of illumination, save the cries of a few perspicacious souls in the media wilderness.

John Nolan,Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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