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Letter - BC Ferry cutbacks need to start at top

In all my 25 years plus at BC Ferries I attended many town hall and fact-finding meetings

BC Ferry cutbacks need to start at top

In all my 25 years plus at BC Ferries I attended many town hall and fact-finding meetings. The meetings today are the exact same thing.

The ferries held these meetings and always did just what they had planned in the first place. A complete waste of time and money.

You really hit the nail on the head with your suggestions about cutbacks at the top level of managers. This is where the cutbacks are long overdue.

I recently had a visit to the new building and head office on Yates Street. I just could not believe all the many departments and managers.

Mind boggling when you see all this waste.

I just wanted to thank you for writing your column. You are to be congratulated for telling the truth about top heavy managers. Why not some cutbacks like ICBC?

Wally Young,Retired ChiefSteward, BCFC,Route 9, Long Harbour to Tsawwassen and all islands in between

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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