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HOROSCOPES - Georgia Nichols

What can your sign look forward to this month? Georgia Nichols has a few answers for you.


(March 21-April 19)

This month you need more sleep. You’re bagged! Of course, Mercury retrograde is wreaking havoc to your job with lost papers, confused communications, cancelled appointments and transportation delays. Fortunately, your ambition is aroused so you are giving it all you’ve got. Romantic relationships will be smooth and more affectionate. And passionate! This is a good time to observe your style of relating to those who are closest to you. Stop barking! Start hugging.


(April 20-May 20)

You’re keen to work this month. Fortunately, the year ahead is one of the best years in over a decade for you to find a good job or improve your current job. This month you are also keen to improve your health. (Running back and forth to the fridge counts; but you can do better.) Relations with partners and close friends will be especially warm. Act on your urge to get better organized. Tidy up your life! When you feel you are in control of things – your confidence grows and shows!


(May 21-June 20)

Lucky you! This is a fun, playful month! You will enjoy parties, socializing with others, sports events and activities with children. You will also enjoy flirting and being prankish and playful! This is the perfect time to take your creative talents more seriously. Make a commitment to having fun. Entertain others. Make plans to enjoy the arts as well as the company of others. Even your relationships at work are excellent this month. Not too shabby!


(June 21-July 22)

You have lots of energy to pour into home, family and your private life this month. You might cocoon at home and take it easy. But more likely, you will explore redecorating ideas and ways to make your home look more attractive. It’s also a good time look for ways to benefit from real-estate deals and home improvements for the entire year ahead! Relations with parents will improve. In fact, all your family relationships will be happier. (Gosh.)


(July 23-Aug. 22)

You’re busy! You’ve got things to do, people to see and places to go! Take short trips and enjoy extra reading, writing and studying. You will also enjoy talking to neighbours, siblings and daily contacts because you are keen to enlighten others with your views and ideas. Because your attitude is so positive, you will tackle new projects with energy and enthusiasm. Some will redecorate at home and entertain more this month.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your attention now turns to money, financial matters, major purchases and taking care of what you own. It’s all about your wealth and your assets. You see that it’s time to sit up and take notice. You need a certain amount of money to do what it is you want to do. (Like stay alive.) And while you contemplate this, you will also wonder about your happiness and its connection to money. What really does make you happy? This is the key – the million-dollar question.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a powerful month for you as well as a powerful year! This month you feel content with your present; and hopeful about your future. Take advantage of the next four weeks to replenish and restore your energy for the rest of the year. When the Sun is in your sign, it energizes you! It also attracts favourable circumstances and important people to you. Therefore, do get out of bed. Start making plans. Expect a miracle! The Sun will be in your sign for one month, but Jupiter will be there for a year!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This month is low key. Expect to work alone or behind the scenes because it’s actually a time of preparation. You’re getting ready for the beginning of your new personal year that will begin in about a month. What do you want for yourself in the coming year? How do you want your new year to be different from this last year? Be specific about what you want. Write down some goals and give yourself deadlines because deadlines are the only way anything ever gets done. Get serious.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your popularity will be strong this months, which is why you should be open, friendly and engaging with everyone. Not only will you enjoy the company of others (and vice versa), you will find that you benefit from all your interactions with others. This is also an excellent time to think about your hopes and dreams for the future. What do you want to achieve this winter? In the next year? In the next two years? You are a forward-looking sign who likes to be active and you need to believe in a better future. That’s what makes you tick.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This month, the Sun is at the top of your chart shining a flattering light down on you! This means people in authority admire you! They think you are talented, competent, hard-working and trustworthy, which you are. Since your boss or any other important VIPs seems to think you’re so hot, quite obviously, the next four weeks are the time for you to strike! Make your pitch! Go after what you want! Relations with friends and groups are friendly and warm this month as well. Smoochie boochies!


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In year ahead, you will want to travel. And you will. This month is the perfect thing to prime the pump. You’ll start thinking of places you want to go. Many of you will also want to sign up for classes and make plans to go to school or get further training. Now you want to reach out more and grab more out of life! Some of you will also explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Relations with bosses are cozy this month; in fact, some of you might have a romance with a VIP.


(Feb. 19-March 20)

This is your time of harvest. You see what is working and what is not. It’s a time of kudos, promotions, graduation, and anything that makes you feel proud. This is why many of you will use this month to focus on the money you get from other sources. You will sort through details regarding shared property, inheritances, taxes and debt. You need to get your ducks in a row, especially with respect to money that is owed to you, so that you know what you have! Simple. And when you know this, then you can make plans.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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