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FRINGE REVIEW: You can always prove me wrong about In Waking Life

Monday Magazine theatre critic Sheila Martindale reviews Walking Life

Humour is very subjective; we don’t all find the same things funny.  No doubt some people find two very silly girls chattering on and on non-stop, in extremely high-pitched voices about inconsequential matters, to be ‘side-splittingly funny’ as opposed to irritating and irrelevant.  In fact, there was some quite sincere laughter in Wood Hall, which, even though I could not join in, I had to respect.

So, perhaps treating a crystal ball as a family member and holding a funeral when it stops working IS plausible and hugely entertaining, and it was probably quite wrong of me to keep wishing it would end and release me from the agony.

So, yes, I did ‘tip the Fringe’ as usual on my way out, because the Fringe is always a great Festival and we all want to keep it supported, despite there being the odd dud among its varied offerings.

So, don’t pay any attention to my grumblings because, you know, mine is just one opinion, and it may not necessarily be the only one or the right one.  Go and check it out for yourself at Wood Hall (907 Pandora) on either Thursday August 31 at 5:15 pm or Saturday September 2 at 12:45 pm.  Take your Fringe button along. Tickets are $11.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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