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2012 Predictions - world at large - wes borg comedian

The Canadian Mint will create a $5 coin, the quintoonie, which will make Victoria’s panhandlers wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.
Wes Borg

The Canadian Mint will create a $5 coin, the quintoonie, which will make Victoria’s panhandlers wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

Stephen Harper will have a change of heart and funding to the arts will be increased to 1970s levels, resulting in a burst of new Canadian theatre, film and music which will suck even worse than those created in the ’70s.

Jetpacks, flying cars and moon bases will be commonplace.  However, they will only exist as iPad apps.

In honour of the bicentennial of the War of 1812, the U.S. will again invade Canada. We will retaliate by once again burning the White House to the ground.

I will lose 50 pounds, get a lead role in a movie, and shortly thereafter be killed by a piece of falling debris from the International Space Station.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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