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Your horoscope for May: Check out what may be in store

Monday astrology columnist Georgia Nicols offers her take on the month, sign by sign

Georgia Nicols

Monday Magazine astrologer Georgia Nicols encourages you to find out what may be in store for you during the heart of spring this May.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a month because Mercury and Venus are both in Aries making you talkative, charming and eager to relate to everyone. Meanwhile, the Sun is travelling through your House of Earnings, which makes you focus on money, salaries, your job and how you can make more money. Not only will the Sun call your attention to money, wealth and assets, it will prompt you to focus more on your possessions and everything that you own. You might make some philosophical observations. For example, do you own your stuff or does it own you?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Sun is in your sign this month, which is the only time all year this happens. It means it’s your chance to re-energize, replenish and restore yourself. Plus you will attract people and favourable situations to you. You’re a magnet for good things! This year, Jupiter the planet of good fortune, is in your House of other people’s wealth. What a strong combination! Your Sun is in your own sign attracting good stuff to you, and Jupiter is attracting wealth to you from banks, inheritances, insurance companies, the government and your partner. Not too shabby!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because your birthday is a month away, this means your personal year is drawing to an end. This also means the Sun is “hiding” in your chart before it bursts forth in your sign on Tues, May 21. While the Sun is hiding it’s the perfect time to be ponder your plans for your new year. How do you want it to be different? If you want it to be different, what can you do to bring about this change? Set some goals. Define what’s important. Goals give you clarity in decision-making and help you have better control over your future. “Chekov, take the com.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re popular this month! You’re out there flying your colours! You will feel comfortable about presenting your ideas to bosses because they want to hear what you have to say. People admire you and many of you might be elected to a position in a club or organization to either head a committee or be a member of the board. This same window of time is perhaps the best time all year for you to set some goals. Ideally, discuss these goals with others because a collaborative effort will help you. And remember – this is your year to improve your job and your health! Yeah!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This month, the Sun is at high noon in your chart symbolizing that you are in a flattering spotlight. This is why others will admire you, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. You don’t have to do anything special to impress them – it’s the great lighting! Obviously, since you look great to everyone, this month is the best time to advance your agenda! Demand the advantage! Ask for what you want. It will be tough for people to refuse you. (“I want a pony and I wanna be a ballerina.”)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month you want t to travel! You want to learn something new! You want excitement, adventure and a chance to explore more of life! Since this is what turns your crank by all means, travel if you can or at least explore your own city. You might also travel through books and opportunities to learn and study new knowledge. Sex will also be stimulating! Venus is in a part of your chart that enhances intimacy and promotes panting encounters. (Be still my beating heart.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This month you’re focused on taxes, debt, insurance issues, shared property, inheritances and wills. Do what you can to reduce debt. Hammer out the details of inheritances, shared property and shared responsibilities. Define these boundaries. Know what is expected of you from others. Speak up about what you expect from them. The placement of Mercury and Venus right now will help you to have clear, reasonable, friendly conversations about these touchy subjects. (Meanwhile, do travel!)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Once a year, the Sun opposes your sign for four weeks and that time has arrived. You will feel more tired and need more sleep. However, this is also the time to form working units with others. It’s also an excellent time to consult an expert – lawyer, counsellor, psychologist, doctor or astrologer. In your close personal relationships, you will have more objectivity to see your role in the relationship and clarify what is working and what is not. Think about how you fill their needs – and how they fill your needs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You work hard and party hard! This month, you want to be efficient and productive! Why be less? Examine how you manage your life to see how you can do better. Some will refine techniques or procedures to become the best you can be. True to form, Mercury and Venus want you to play! Romance, sports events and social outings will entice you! One caveat, however: Fiery Mars opposite your sign creates conflict with partners and close friends. Be patient and tactful. Remember that four letter word tact?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Lucky you! This Sun is in the most fun part of your chart giving you a chance to express yourself and be exactly who you are! Although you are work oriented and ready to earn the respect of your colleagues, this month, you will put fun, pleasure, entertainment and exciting diversions first because you want to have a fun time! Accept invitations to party and socialize! Enjoy sports events, movies, the theatre, musical performances, playful times with children and fun vacations!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Although you might be caught up in competitive sports or games, this month you will be focused on home, family and your private life. For some, this means you will be involved with a parent more than usual. Others will be focused on home repairs, renovations and redecorating projects. Many of you will enjoy a chance to relax and cocoon at home and bask in your privacy. Nevertheless, Mercury and Venus will give you a busy daily routine of short trips and interactions with others. (Don’t sit at home getting dusty.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The pace of your days accelerates this month because you of short trips, many conversations with siblings and relatives, increased reading, writing and studying, mucho appointments and tasks that you’ve been meaning to do for ages. (You’re running around with an outboard motor strapped to your butt!) Naturally, you will accomplish a lot! At home, you will shove furniture around and make home improvements. At work, you will spend money to make money. Buy beautiful treasures for yourself and others!

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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