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Victoria’s secret swimming holes

Discover the Secret Lakes of Southern Vancouver Island
Local author Adam Ungstad has compiled a guidebook to the Secret Lakes of Southern Vancouver Island.

Have you spent all summer looking for a great outdoor place to swim? Not feeling brave enough to take a dip in the ocean?

Local author Adam Ungstad spent many months doing the same thing. With the help of his bike, Ungstad took to the streets and trails of Southern Vancouver Island looking for the best lakes for swimming, hiking, cycling, dog walking and more. The result of his research is compiled in Secret Lakes of Southern Vancouver Island, a new guide book to your local lakes.

Secret Lakes goes beyond Thetis, Elk and Prospect and delivers the goods on lesser known lakes like Eagles, Pease, Lookout and almost 20 other lakes from the Sooke Hills to the Saanich Peninsula.

Compiled in an easy-to-read manner, Secret Lakes is full of Top 10 lists, quick facts and historical context. It also gives an in depth analysis of each of the 25 lakes listed, including Heal Lake, which was drained by the CRD in 1991 to make way for the Heartland Landfill.

Pick up a copy at any local independent book store and go jump in a lake! M

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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