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Online video series features writers from Tofino and Ucluelet

Quite Determined series launched to showcase creative minds whose speaking events were cancelled.
West Coast writers will be featured in an online reading event hosted by the Federation of British Columbia Writers on Monday.

An all-star lineup of local poets and authors took their talents online this week as part of the Federation of British Columbia Writers’ online, Zoom-based, Quite Determined series.

The Quite Determined series was launched to showcase creative minds whose book launches and speaking events have been cancelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a media release from the FBCW.

The West Coast’s event was scheduled for June 1 at 7 p.m. and featured Tofino’s new and former poet laureates Christine Lowther and Joanna Streetly as well as writers from the Clayoquot Writers Group, including Shirley Martin, David Floody and Helen Mavoa. It was organized by the FBCW Islands representative, and former editor of the Westerly News, Jacqueline Carmichael.

“Writers and readers around B.C., as everywhere else in the world, have had their voices muffled by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Carmichael said through a media release. “In different times, there would be small readings and book launches and writer gatherings and book clubs, in person, over coffee. Writing is often a solitary endeavour as it is, and with health concerns prompting social distancing and quarantine measures, we are reaching out to connect the virtual dots between writers and readers. More events are in the wings.”

Carmichael aimed the event at connecting West Coast writers with readers around the province and was excited to see Tofino’s new poet laureate Christine Lowther in action.

“It’s wonderful to feature Christine Lowther. As Tofino’s poet laureate, she brings her gifts for writing and long-time commitment to the environment and to supporting fellow writers,” Carmichael said through the release. “She’s an amazing writer, and I hope we’ll hear from her piece for the recently published Sweet Water anthology (2020, Caitlin Press) pulled together by Yvonne Blomer.”

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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