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Adventures in photojournalism, courtesy UVic Southam Lecturer, Farah Nosh

Free multimedia event Wednesday highlights photog’s experiences in Middle East, Haida Gwaii
Shown in traditional garb are siblings James and Michaela McGuire; Gyaa7isdla, Robert Davidson Potlatch, Masset, Haida Gwaii 2016. Photo by Farah Nosh

Farah Nosh is an award-winning photographer and photojournalist whose work has taken her to some of the world’s most volatile regions, as well as the relative tranquility of Haida Gwaii.

Among her projects, she has focused on war’s impact on Iraqi civilians, and documented the last fluent speakers of the threatened Haida language in coastal B.C.

Award-winning photojournalist Farah Nosh is the 2019 Southam Lecturer in the University of Victoria's writing department. Photo courtesy UVic

Currently the Southam Lecturer in the University of Victoria’s Department of Writing, Nosh will talk about her experiences in a free lecture on Wednesday in Room 103 of UVic’s Fine Arts Building, from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

During “Iraq to Haida Gwaii: A Story of Conflict and Healing,” students and the public will hear about and see some of her photojournalism work from around the Middle East, as well her recent project with celebrated Haida artist Robert Davidson on Haida Gwaii, using portraiture to capture the spirit of the potlatch.

Nosh will speak about the burdens of knowing, the balance required in being committed to a story, telling stories that are not your own, and what it takes to keep one’s own sense of peace.

Her work has appeared in TIME magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times and been exhibited around the world. She is a winner of the prestigious Overseas Press Club Award for Feature Photography.

The annual Harvey Stevenson Southam Lectureship – named for UVic alumnus Harvey Southam – brings leading journalists in to UVic to work with students.

The Fine Arts building is close to a bus stop on Ring Road, and pay parking is in effect during the day. For parking information and campus maps, visit

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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