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July Horoscopes: Cancer gains strength and attraction, Leo expands on creativity

Monday Astrologer offers her take on what’s coming ahead this summer

Monday Magazine’s intrepid astrologer Georgia Nicols presents July’s horoscopes. Find your sign and see what this summer has in store for you.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This month, you’re focused on issues from your past, especially related to family and home or a parent. You might decide to enlarge your “bubble” to include more family? Many of you will hear from family members you haven’t heard from in a while. You might misplace or lose things at home; or possibly, you will find something that you lost before? Meanwhile, you will appreciate your daily surroundings at this time. It’s as if you’re seeing them with new eyes. You might also truly appreciate how much love there is in your daily world. Nice.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The pace of your days will accelerate this month with short trips, errands, appointments plus spending increased time with siblings, relatives and neighbours. You will be busy learning, reading and writing. Ironically these are the very areas that will trip you up because Mercury retrograde will create delays to travel. Car problems and transportation glitches will occur. Mucho silly errors! This will be confounding because meanwhile, you’re doing your best to handle the demands of an increased, busy pace! On the upside: you will attract money to you this month. Yes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your focus now is on money, cash flow, earnings and assets. You might dream up moneymaking ideas and take stock of your wealth. However, Mercury retrograde means errors in financial matters are likely. Cheques in the mail will be late. Be proactive. Double check your bill or invoice. Count your change. Clarify info from your bank. Read your credit card statement. Do not assume that they are correct. Meanwhile, this is an excellent week to buy wardrobe goodies. How you can improve the image you create on your world?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun is in your sign this month giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. Because of the strength of the Sun in your sign, you will attract people and favourable situations to you. However, Mercury retrograde is taking place in your sign as well, creating goofy mistakes, misplaced items, lost paperwork, computer glitches, transportation delays as well as contact with people from your past, especially partners and old friends. (Maybe a secret love affair.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Because your birthday is a mere month away, your personal year is coming to an end. This means the Sun is “hiding” in your chart, which means you also want to keep a low profile. You won’t disappear because Venus will entice you to interact with friends and groups, especially in a creative, artistic way. You might encounter disputes about insurance issues, shared property, taxes, debt or anything that you own jointly with someone else. Remember this is an excellent year to get a better job or improve your existing job.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Everyone wants to see your face! Good times with friends, especially friends from the past are happening. Many will be more involved with groups and organizations and will run into old faces from these clubs as well. Fear not because with fair Venus at the top of your chart, you look great! (In fact, you look so good some will begin a romance with a boss.) One minor challenge is that fiery Mars is opposite your sign now, which can make you easily annoyed with others. This will test your patience. Fear not, on the whole, you are happy to be who you are.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This month, the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a powerful spotlight that makes you look fabulous in the eyes of others. This is why you’ll be asked to assume increased responsibilities. Say yes because you don’t have to do anything special. Since you make such a great impression on others, this window of time is perfect to make your pitch or advance your agenda. Fortunately, you are pumped to work hard! Meanwhile, bosses and parents you haven’t seen for a while are back on the scene. Travel if you can.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This month, you want to expand your world. You want adventure! You want to see new places and meet new faces! Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde could cause travel delays. This is also an excellent time to explore opportunities in the media, publishing, medicine, the law or higher education. Gifts and money will come your way! This is timely because you feel playful and prankish! You want to have fun, which often costs money. (However, your sex drive is amped and if you’re lucky, that’s affordable.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This month you are oh so charming, which is a good thing because increased chaos and activity on the home front could create tension. Demonstrate grace under pressure. This month is passionate for you because you are focused on shared property and your partner’s wealth. Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde will create delays. However, Mercury retrograde will also help you clean up unfinished red-tape details from the past. (You’ll love yourself to get some of this out of the way. Finally!) Keep looking for ways to boost your income because they exist!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You will need more sleep this month. Meanwhile, expect to hear from ex-spouses, ex-partners and old friends from your past. Sometimes these re-encounters are good things – sometimes, not so much. Fortunately, even though you need more sleep, you will be vigourous and dynamic in all your daily communications. You’ll be convincing! People will listen to you! This is also an excellent time to relate to coworkers, especially to discuss agreements. This is also a good time to boost your health.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This month you are determined to be efficient and productive because you want to be better organized in every aspect of your life. Ironically, Mercury retrograde will trip up these noble ambitions with silly errors, lost paperwork, confused messages, mixed-up communications, delays, computer glitches and machinery breakdowns. Nevertheless, press on! Your resolution to get better organized is a wonderful thing. Fair Venus promises fun times and socializing with others. Mars will make you work hard to earn money – and spend it!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You win! This month, the Sun is in a fun part of your chart making you feel be exactly who you are. Your drive will be to do what you want and especially, to amuse yourself and have fun! Activities with kids will shine. Your attitude to relationships will be lighter. You will enjoy redecorating at home as well as entertaining friends. Meanwhile, with Mars in your sign, you’re PowerPoint on steroids! You’ve got energy to burn! Mercury retrograde will attract old flames from your past back into the world again. Look good when you go out. Let them see what they’re missing.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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