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HOROSCOPES: Georgia Nicols

Astrologer Georgia Nicols breaks down what the stars are saying for July 2014

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s been a year since you’ve had such a strong focus on home, family and your domestic life. This personal shift will manifest in several ways. Some of you will focus on home decorating because you’ll enjoy making your digs more beautiful for the summer. Being the artisan of the zodiac, you might dream up fun projects to build or pay attention to decks, gardening and landscaping. Or you just might want to cocoon. (“I’m hiding.”)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Get ready for a busy month! Your schedule will be jam-packed with short trips, errands and conversations with everyone. The daily pace of your life will definitely accelerate. Zoom, zoom! Many of you will read, write and study more than usual as well. Expect increased involvement with siblings and relatives. Some of you will tie up loose ends regarding property and possessions with siblings. Note: This is an excellent time to buy wardrobe goodies.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This month your focus is on money, cash flow, earnings and your job. No doubt, you will think about your assets and ponder your self-worth. You might also wonder if what you are doing is meaningful or worthwhile. Yes, it’s time to take stock. Many of you will ask yourself what it is you really want in life? Or what really matters? Isn’t it curious that in our culture, what costs little is valued less. Like love and respect.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This birthday month is a wonderful opportunity because it’s your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. You will also attract people and favourable circumstances because this is your hour! Naturally, you want to make the most of this. Think big and expect a miracle. This month is a great time to schmooze with friends, especially artistic, creative people – a relief from tension and chaos at home, (which won’t last forever because nothing does).

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Once a year for a month, the Sun is waiting in the wings ready to make its entrance centre stage when your birthday arrives. That time is now. That’s why it behooves you to keep a low profile this month. Yoga, meditation and quiet activities will appeal because you will be introspective and given to self scrutiny. (Does this room make me look fat?) Venus will promote relations with authority figures and some will begin an affair.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A popular month ahead! Accept all invitations and make an effort to see people because your interactions with others will benefit you. Seek advice from others or their opinion about your future ideas because their feedback will be helpful. Travel for pleasure will appeal, which is also a reason to reconnect with others. You’re certainly working hard to earn money and make purchases. Oh well, money is only useful if you spend it.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This month the Sun is at the top of your chart shining a flattering light on you. Because you look so good, bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs are impressed! This is why you will be approached to take on increased responsibilities. Interaction with authority figures, especially parents, is also likely. Now is the time to examine your life as a whole to see if you’re going in the direction you want. This is a strong month for you!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Travel appeals because you want a change of scenery! You want adventure, the buzz of something different and a chance to learn something new. The main thing is – do something different. This is a great month to sign up for a course or plan on future training. People from other cultures will intrigue. With Venus opposite your sign, this is a good time to better understand relationships. It’s also a good time to work out conflicts with loved ones.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This month you have an increased passion for life. (And an increased sex drive as well.) This amped verve makes you want to be a better person, which is why you will work out to buff your bod. (You love sports, but for me – outdoors is where the car is.) You want to experience life not just learn about it. Fling out your arms like Evita and cry I want to live Perhaps this was prompted by meeting an ex-partner recently? Your competitive spirit makes you want to win in sports contests with others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

For the first time in a year, the Sun is opposite your sign, which means you need more sleep. It is also the perfect time to learn more about how you handle your closest relationships. (Must I?) You will see more clearly what the wants and needs of others are, and also how they fill your wants and needs. (To have a successful relationship, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.) Fair Venus will help things by making you playful, flirtatious and eager for fun and pleasure. Romance will flourish!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You want to be efficient and productive because you want your actions to count. You need an organized home and work place as your bottom line before you begin to refine your techniques. Therefore, physical efficiency is your motto! Naturally, while you’re on this roll, you’ll be keen to improve your health. Decorating projects at home will appeal because you also want to entertain. Yet at odds with this, you have a strong desire to travel and see new places. Busy you!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With the promise of vacations, fun and sweet romance – who is surprised that the Sun now ushers in a month of even more fun and pleasure! You’re making out like a bandit! Sports and playful times with children will appeal. Just be yourself without fear or apology. Enjoy this carefree freedom. Venus sweetens your tongue promoting relations with everyone and helping those who sell, write, edit, market, teach or act. Yes, there’s money in your words!