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From practical to pumped up - UVic student society covers all the bases

Working hard for student rights, organizing for more affordable post secondary education
University of Victoria students celebrate campus kick off.

Welcome all new and returning students to another year with the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS)!

The UVSS is our students’ union and together we mobilize a wealth of resources. Practical things, such as a health and dental plan, a bus pass and opportunities to be involved with campaigns or committees. And fun things, such as free swag, awesome events and opportunities with clubs and course unions. All of these resources exist for you and are possible because as students we are stronger together.

Our offices are located in the Student Union Building (SUB), across from the on-campus movie theatre, Cinecenta. The SUB is full of amazing businesses that are run by students, for students. Check out ZAP Copy Centre, SubText Book and Convenience Store, and Felicita’s Pub. There are also food vendors such as The International Grill, Health Food Bar, Bean There, and the Munchie Bar (the only spot on campus with real hand-pulled espresso coffee).

The SUB is also home to five advocacy groups: Pride, Students of Colour Collective, Society for Students with a Disability, the Women’s Centre, and the Native Students Union. All five groups do incredible advocacy and support work for students and we strongly recommend getting involved with them. We also have a Food Bank and Free Store in the basement of the SUB, available for all students.

Whether you’re into sports, sustainability, social justice, or swing dancing, there is a club, course union or advocacy group for you. We have over 200 clubs and 50 course unions to help connect you to others who share your passions. If the club for you want doesn’t exist we will help you create a new one and get it off the ground.

We also believe that student voices can be powerful actors in affecting positive and lasting change. We work hard for student rights, organizing for more affordable post secondary education, and the “Let’s Get Consensual” Campaign against sexualized violence on campus, as well as better for public transit and towards climate justice.

This year, we are excited to see what our UVic community will create as a progressive and diverse collective. We look forward to sharing your passions and hope you get a chance to be involved.

* UVic is built on the traditional land of the WSANEC and Lekwungen peoples. This is treatied land, which means that all UVic students are treatied peoples.