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Letter- It shouldn’t happen anywhere

Re: “Report Card” March 31-April 6


Re: “Report Card” March 31-April 6

Are you saying not to take the advice of the police? Don’t be careful when you walk out your door? What is this, the 1950s? And what is this Third-world of which you speak? With roving bands of rapists? The fact that you’ve employed such a broad and outdated term speaks volumes. Yeah, because bad things never happen here... only over there. If a “not-in-my-backyard” delusion helps you sleep better at night, then sweet dreams. I hope you’re trying to say that it’s sad that there are sick people in our society that think it’s okay to do horrible things to other people. However, what I read is that what is common and acceptable behaviour in a land of savages, never happens in a fine country such as Canada. It shouldn’t happen anywhere.

Vicki Tannenbaum, Victoria