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Letter - Intolerance for bullying is the only solution

Re: "Victoria author tackles bullying" (Nov. 1-7)

Intolerance for bullying is the only solution

Re: "Victoria author tackles bullying" (Nov. 1-7)

Kudos to Craig Barton for his keen insights about self-love and his wise advise for all of us in his new book, The Bathroom Mirror. However, I think that Barton is seriously misguided in his call to "love the bully." In the wake of suicides, harm and suffering caused by pond scum who torment others for kicks, I find Barton's views highly offensive and disrespectful to victims. "Love the bully" trivializes and dumbs down a serious social problem that needs a equally serious solution. Only radical intolerance for bullying will end it. Bullies only understand one word: STOP! Any atmosphere of tolerance, with naive beliefs in "love and understanding" just enables these sociopaths among us to continue on their cruel path. It is time to "Love the Victim" standing beside them in solidarity with compassion, support and respect. The bullies can take care of themselves.

Doreen Marion Gee,Victoria