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Letter - Complaints skewed

Re: "Diving into murky waters” Editorial, Nov. 29 - Dec. 5

Complaints skewed

Re: "Diving into murky waters” Editorial, Nov. 29 - Dec. 5

Editor  Grant McKenzie's problem is that he didn't seek any other perspective than Crow — no engineer, no oceanographer, no marine biologist, no CRD sewage specialist.

Crow's problem is that as with so many commentators on Victoria's marine-based sewage issue, he confuses CRD's bad storm water issue with our environmentally-sustainable long sewage outfalls.

Examples of Crow's confusion include his use of descriptions such as "...tidal currents running along Victoria and Esquimalt waterfronts... entire Esquimalt waterfront... off Victoria waterfront."

Monitoring by the CRD and scientists of our sewage outfalls confirms that there are no health or environmental problems.

However, while the recent Cohen salmon commission made no mention of our marine-based sewage treatment system, it did raise concerns about the CRD's stormwater drainage into salmon habitat.

Funny how with so many scuba divers and fisherfolks around, its only this current byelection profile that seems to have induced Allan Crow to mistakenly complain about our marine-treatment system.

John Newcomb,Saanich