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Letter - Call for the goat exorcist

Re: "Goats Galore In The Core" - Nov. 17-23

Call for the goat exorcist

Re: "Goats Galore In The Core" - Nov. 17-23

I was shocked and appalled to see you promoting goats in your once respectable magazine, including a picture of one of the diabolical beasts! As we all know, goats have been associated with dark forces throughout human history, and your celebrating these clever but devious creatures is a great public disservice. If Victoria permits herds of these horrid herbivores, it is inevitable that the city will sooner or later have to hire a full-time veterinary exorcist at great public expense, to say nothing of the spectacle of huge bleating mobs of these ungodly creatures running roughshod over defenceless neighbourhoods, eating red flannel shirts, and everything else, in their path. I would hope for a full and appropriately repentant retraction in a future issue.

Robert TyhurstVictoria