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A brush with war

Photojournalist lectures on military art
A photo taken by Ted Grant in 1967 during the Six Day War in the Middle East.

Regarded as Canada’s premier living photographer, Ted Grant has a photojournalism career that spans more than 60 years. With 280,000 images in the National Archives of Canada, Grant’s collection is the largest of any photographer in Canada.

Grant is offering a lecture at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria as part of A Brush With War : Military Art from Korea to Afghanistan exhibition, running until Sept. 5.

Grant will speak about his experience covering the Six Day War in 1967, his short trip to Vietnam, and the reasons why he didn’t accept assignments in Afghanistan.

“You only need to go to a couple of these things before you realize how stupid war is. I wasn’t in Vietnam very long before I realized this is shear idiocy. I’m a father of four with a wife at home, What the hell and I doing here? Because a lot of guys are getting killed and shot up and you’ve only got a camera,” he says. “You just never get rid of some of the things that you see.” M