Aries (March 21 to April 19)
This month you’re ready to work and bust your buns! You want to get as much done as possible, and you want to do it in an efficient, effective way. In other words, you want to get the most bang for your buck for your efforts. Many of you will see ways to improve your job or get a raise. Certainly, coworkers will be supportive. Some of you will also improve your health. You are an animal lover and there is a strong focus on pets this month. Woof!
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Lucky you! This month is full of wonderful opportunities to enjoy social outings, games, pleasurable distractions, vacations, lunch with friends, camaraderie at Happy Hour, sports events, the theatre and fun activities with kids. You want to put pleasure before work at right now. In fact, for some, a work-related romance might blossom. Nevertheless, you will be forceful in your communications with everyone; and many of you will also see ways to boost your income.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
This month your focus will shift to home and family for different reasons according to the details of your private life. Some of you might be involved more than usual with a parent. Others might be interested in redecorating and entertaining at home. You might explore real-estate opportunities. Yet again, some of you will want to quietly cocoon at home so that you can “get away from all this.” Nevertheless, you have lots of responsibilities right now because you are in your time of harvest. You shine!
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
Fasten your seatbelt – this month, the pace of your days will accelerate because you have places to go, things to do and people to see! Enjoy short trips. Grab any opportunity to study and learn something new. Sign up for a course. You might also teach. Many of you will be more involved with siblings and relatives. You’ll enjoy redecorating and entertaining at home. This is also a good time to get physical exercise because with Mars in your sign, you’re pumped with energy.
Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)
This month, your focus on money, cash flow and your possessions will be stronger than usual. Basically, you want to make what you own work for you in your own best interests. Too often, we can become a slave to our possessions by having to maintain, clean, fix and store what we own. Listen to your moneymaking ideas this month. Meanwhile, communications with others will be friendly and warm. In fact, you’re in such a positive frame of mind, even your daily surroundings will seem more beautiful.
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Fortunately, this month the Sun is in your sign, which will boost your confidence and your energy. The Sun will also have the magical effect of attracting people and favourable situations to you. Yes, it’s your turn to shine! With Mercury in your sign as well, you’re eager to talk to others. Meanwhile, Mars will encourage physical activity and competition in sports. Fortunately, Venus might attract money to you; however, it will certainly encourage you to spend money buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
This is the one month of the year when the Sun is “hiding” in your chart, which means in turn, you have an impulse to hide and keep a low profile. This is why you might shy away from some invitations and hunger for some down time at home. Nevertheless, your ruler Venus is in your sign, which will attract invitations to socialize with others. You will be charming and diplomatic with everyone. Furthermore, Mars is arousing your ambition. This means you will have a conflict of motivations this month. Juggle this as best you can.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
This month you’re popular more than usual, especially with younger people. Not only will you enjoy the company of friends as well as making new friends, you will also be more involved in clubs and organizations. Travel plans will appeal, which is why you will either travel or make plans to travel in the future. Meanwhile, secret love affairs are on the books for many of you. (And who is more secret than you?)
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
This month the Sun will be sitting at the top of your chart. This happens only once a year, and when it occurs, it casts you in a flattering spotlight, which makes you look great in everyone’s eyes. This is why people will ask you to take on increased responsibilities. They admire you! Because of the advantage of this “flattering spotlight,” say yes to anyone who asks you to take on a job because you will do fine! You won’t have to do anything special to impress people. You have the Midas touch.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Get thee to an airport if possible because this month, travel beckons! Or maybe your choice will be to start driving and watch those telephone poles go by because you want a change of scenery. Romance with someone in a position of power or authority is likely. You might have a flirtation with a boss. Perhaps someone older and more established will become involved in your life. Be patient with existing partners and friends.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Even though you want to travel for pleasure this month (and many of you will) – you can’t ignore the demands of issues related to taxes, debt, shared property, banking and the wealth or resources of your partner. Clean up loose ends if you can. Meanwhile, you’re pumped to work hard this month. Furthermore, you want to work efficiently. Nevertheless, pleasurable outings, travel and interactions with people from other cultures are likely. Enjoy!
Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)
Partnerships and close friendships are your major focus this month. Meaningful discussions will likely take place. Romantic relationships will be particularly affectionate and passionate. This could be one of the reasons you need more rest and more sleep right now. Accept invitations to enjoy vacations and social outings, including sports events and fun times with kids because this will please you. In fact, you might get involved in competitive sports yourself.